And to make its countable don’t waste your time anymore and make the hardcore decisions for your life that god gifts you. Despite it, it is not hard to live your life anyhow but to make it worthy is one of the most important aspects of everyone’s life. Once you get the right answer, that one day or day one you can decide what to do with your life. But before doing anything in your life you should ask yourself why you are doing such a thing and what you will get from it? So if you wish to make your birth count on this planet then you need to establish your identity by your efforts and not by your parent’s name. Wishes and wants get trumped by the reaper every time. Joe Manganiello It's a funny thing, one day you're living and the next day you're not sometimes, whether you have plans or not. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16, and I was that way, too. Otherwise, you will die one day in the same way as many other people die without having any identity on this planet. Neil Pasricha I mean, everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. The day when you start thinking about your life seriously then you will start knowing the worth and importance of your life. Every second of the die and without doing anything productive in their life so if you wish to stand on your identity and not on your parent’s one then it’s that one day when you need to decide certain things for life. Because although you don’t need to earn money you need to earn your identity that makes your existence count on this planet.

To make your life heaven for you, you need to work hard irrespective of the fact of whether you have a strong financial background. And if you got this opportunity then don’t waste it doing anything productive. God gifts you such a precious life as a human and not every creature on this universe got this opportunity to live your life as a human. If you have the misconception that life is so easy to live and you don’t need to do anything to make it worthy then you are at big fault and need to rethink. It’s that day one or one day you decide so don’t be late or careless for your life because you already waste these many years in your life and now need to be serious about it. Beautiful miniature houses engraved with. Are you careless or relaxed for your life? If yes, then you need to now consistent with what you are doing and start thinking about your future. Personal gift Motivational gifts Inspirational quote house, One day or day one, you decide miniature house.